Most of the times we DBA's take on the developers like underdogs , even I used to but things have changed as my years of experience in the industry is growing by , Every person is equally important right from the application developers, DB developers, Network Administrator.... to DBA's . Anyone one role in the Software life Cycle is neglected , the whole application gets affected
I myself have neglected DB Development like creating procedures . Recently , very recently I happened to create some custom stored procedures which will help the DBA's , they save a lot of time
Ill discuss one case I have come across , I usually use the google drive to store my documents where in I store all my custom administrative queries I use daily
I use to copy paste the respective query depending on my need , because all the time you don't have sufficient time to write the query every time , say a tablespace DMS container size is full for some reason and you need to EXTEND it immediately , You cannot frame the query at that peak time which will be time consuming as every second counts
One day there came a issue and I don't have my laptop on hand , so connected through my other colleagues system where in I cannot access my google drive as I'm already connected to VPN , by the time I framed the query and issued the command some transactions in the application got affected
I then started thinking after resolving this issue as to how can I save this time I have wasted in framing my query at that peak time which made to go through basics of STORED PROCEDURES and yes they really help me a lot