Browsers and Me

If there's anything inevitable in our daily life's, that is Browser.

Choosing a right browser for the kind of work we do is a real important deal.

What the options we have with us

  1. Internet explorer
  2. Microsoft Edge
  3. Google chrome
  4. Mozilla Firefox
  5. Opera

Log Manager and the Archive Array

Let me give a warm up before jumping into how this was understood.

A very generic introduction to the environment, Long story short -

  1. 2 databases in Environment
  2. 1 for live application, 1 for reporting
  3. live application database gets restored to the reporting database everyday before the business starts every day.
  4. Soon after the restore happened we started seeing log archival failures all of a sudden from no where
    2016-02-11- I100204A452        LEVEL: Warning  
    PID     : 11469034             TID  : 3678        PROC : db2sysc 0
    INSTANCE: db2             NODE : 000                         
    EDUID   : 3678                 EDUNAME: db2logmgr (SAMPLE) 0    
    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, data protection services,                      
    sqlpgRetryFailedArchive, probe:4760                                    
    Unable to find log file 9543 for LOGARCHMETH1 using     
    method 4 and<                                                          
              target .  Assume log was archived and continue.